Driving home with a car packed full of groceries, I noticed a sign to
Breton Cheval. Now I love horses, as does my six year old, so it took us only moments to persuade my husband to follow the signs. We found a field with a huge gathering of farmers and their horses, these wonderful animals are still used for ploughing and other farm work here in Brittany and we had obviously come across a get together where the horses would be judged.
Being British, we had arrived at lunchtime, so there was not much activity, just a few people grooming their horses, while most ate picnics.
We will try and visit for the judging during the afternoon next year. But of course, I wanted to share some photographs of this delightful sight with you.
Foals happily munching on the newly cut hay |
So sweet |
And a quick whinney, hello! |
The foals did not want to be parted from their mothers |
The manes and tails of the adult horses were being plaited |
This foal seems to want to get out of the trailer |
More horses arriving, and the farmers use their tractors to
pull the trailers |
This foal was not tethered |
Not a problem as their was no intention to leave
Maman |
So beautiful and placid, for such large, strong creatures |
Most are a deep chestnut colour, this white horse was unusual |
I just loved this foal |