Monday 4 March 2013

An early spring walk

I had such a busy week last week, teaching at my daughter's school, that I found I had no time to post these photographs.

Today the sun is shining, but over the winter, we have had, day after day of leaden skies.  However with a new, young dog and a six and a half year old daughter there is no excuse not to be out and exploring.

Do you remember the joy of puddles? My daughter loves them, particularly if there is a thin layer of ice to break!  And we're delighted that the dog is gaining confidence, he is now walking off the lead, it's wonderful to watch him blossom!

Testing the ice

Squelchy footprints

An air bubble under the ice



Look at me...

No lead!

Gaining confidence!

First buds...

I love these early signs of spring

A nest being built...

And a feather waving in the breeze!

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