When I looked out of the window this morning I thought I might be able to photograph some lovely wintery scenes, but sadly, by the time I returned from dropping my daughter at school, the sprinkling of snow had disappeared.
On Monday, when I had picked her up from school she had let our a plaintive cry, "I am the only person in my class who has not got her tree up at home!" Poor lamb.
So yesterday, to remedy this
dreadful disaster I set about decorating the house. I put the tree up with the lights, but left the decorating for her to do, while I focused on shelves and windows.
I always feel quite thrifty when I decorate, as I reuse many things from year to year, in particular my crib figures, I just move them around to different places in the house, but one is always on the dining room windowsill and one on the living room bookcase.
As the song says; "It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!"
My beautiful Mexican crib figures I bought them when the boys were small they were made by a fairtrade cooperative in Mexico |
These Italian figures are more recent I love their simple elegance |
I am rather partial to deer and the turkey candlestick holders came from the States (I think they are for Thanksgiving, but I always use them at Christmas) |
These are waiting to be 'homed' The penguins and polar bears are for cake decorations |
My new decorations this year, seem to all have some tartan (it must be my Scottish roots!) |