Monday, 6 February 2012

A Walk in the Snow

I know everyone will be posting similar pictures, but wasn't it delightful?

 A perfect Snow Day!

A Sunday, cold and crunchy underfoot, and then on Monday morning, all cleared up and gone, so safe to get on with household chores and the school run.

Even though he's old, he doesn't like to wear his coat!

The snow began to melt in the midday warmth

Lots of dogs and people out and about

We looked and look for bird prints, not too sure
I think they could be a cat or even a fox

I love branches weighed down with snow

This could be Narnia

A little wooden kingdom

A huge snowball

And now it's gone

Everything smells so much more interesting
in the snow


  1. Beautiful... everything in white...I was lucky enough to enjoy snow last it's pouring!

  2. It was just right, wasn't it? And didn't outstay its welcome.

  3. We've only had a light dusting so far so I'm enjoying seeing everyone else's snow !
